Q: How do you feel about guys who grunt at the gym while lifting weights?Fiona
its funny, if its valid its ok i guess. when its obviously an exaggeration its t... more
Fionaits funny, if its valid its ok i guess. when its obviously an exaggeration its totally lame. stick with the no grunting to avoid judgement. | Sam
Unnecessary, if he is grunting excessivly he just wants attention. SamUnnecessary, if he is grunting excessivly he just wants attention. | Lindsay
DON'T DO IT. You look like a tool.LindsayDON'T DO IT. You look like a tool. | maria
HATE IT!!!! It actually makes me cringe!!!!mariaHATE IT!!!! It actually makes me cringe!!!! | Molly
It doesn't bother me much as long as I can't hear him across the gym! Try and ke... more
MollyIt doesn't bother me much as long as I can't hear him across the gym! Try and keep it to yourself. |